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Retention and Reactivation

Patients lost -- are not lost forever!

1 min read

Patients lost -- are not lost forever!

We want to keep our patients, right?! Losing patients is bad ... keeping (retaining) patients is good. So in the best case scenario, a practice would...

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How does preappointment get tracked and reported?

1 min read

How does preappointment get tracked and reported?

Preappointment reporting is available by navigating to Dashboard > Hygiene > Preappointment.

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Making Reactivation Calls

2 min read

Making Reactivation Calls

Reactivation is a critical part of retaining your patients. TeamCare offers to easy-to-use, constantly updating and self-reportable system for your...

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Preappointment - 5% Difference is EVERYTHING

1 min read

Preappointment - 5% Difference is Everything

If you haven't already, please read the article: What is churn? Am I actually losing patients? The point is: CHURN (or patient loss) unfortunately...

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Front Desk: Day Sheet & Aftercare

1 min read

Front Desk: Day Sheet & Aftercare

On a per-patient basis, the front desk is responsible to manage the next appointments for a patient with respect to ...

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Inconvenient appointments don't pre-appointment into Primetime!!

Inconvenient appointments don't pre-appointment into Primetime!!

It's well-researched statistically proven that when patients are forced to take off of work that they will have a higher likelihood to cancel their...

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What is churn? Am I actually losing patients? | Team Care Dental

1 min read

What is churn? Am I actually losing patients?

We want to keep our patients, right?! Losing patients is bad ... keeping (retaining) patients is good. So in the best case scenario, a practice would...

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