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1 min read
Deactivating (removing) a team member

If you need to deactivate a user account in your system, follow these simple steps: Note: Only authorized users with the appropriate permissions will...

What are payroll calculators

Payroll calculators make the math easy for you! And give you insights of where you might be overspending.

1 min read
Treatment Plans are connected to Doctor, Hygienst and Front Desk

Using TeamCare, you have this easy ability using Front Desk: Day Sheet & Aftercare to very easily collect meaningful data about underlying trends in...

1 min read
Preappointment - 5% Difference is Everything

If you haven't already, please read the article: What is churn? Am I actually losing patients? The point is: CHURN (or patient loss) unfortunately...

1 min read
How do we know if we're doing well or poorly?

As we all know, it's important to "know your numbers" and have awareness about your practice's performance on a daily, weekly, monthly basis. Goals...

2 min read
Thinking about Treatment Plan as statistics & averages

Not all patients need treatment (some are healthy). Not all patients complete the treatment that gets recommended (some patients say "no"., some...

1 min read
What is churn? Am I actually losing patients?

We want to keep our patients, right?! Losing patients is bad ... keeping (retaining) patients is good. So in the best case scenario, a practice would...