Getting Started
Selecting the "Add Entity" tab brings up a "New Month Goal" form. On this page you can choose to create a goal for the entire practice or a specific doctor.
The "New Month Goal" form also gives you the opportunity to assign goals to upcoming months and years. The "Goal Type" dropdown tab allows you to choose which area of your practice want to set a goal in.
Once you have set an appropriate monthly goal, it's important that you update the month with the appropriate "days off" so that the proper number of working days are reflected. TeamCare will calculate its daily goal by dividing the monthly goal by the number of days working.
If the entity or doctor is already existing, you can also use the three dots to add a goal and to select the working days for the selected entity.
Submit form by selecting the non-working days:
View high level visuals on progress of the goal and month-end projection
View the daily spot rate of the goal's daily performance against its straight-line pace
View the cumulative progress against goal throughout month:
View the most recent 9 month trend
Owners have permission to view & manage all goals. But you may likely want to pick & choose which staff members have visibility & focus on certain goals. For this reason, a goal will only be visible to the staff members that are assigned as subscribers.
Subscribers are staff members that are assigned to a specific goal. This allows practices to include staff members on goals that are directly related to their role. Having staff members added as subscribers helps hold everyone accountable and keep things organized.